Not Even One Last Time

Wei Qiao hated the feeling of being led around by the nose and didn't answer.

" If you don't say anything, it means that you're fine now. " Shen Yi spoke again. " Then, we'll continue with the military training tomorrow. "

Wei Qiao was speechless. "You did it on purpose!"

Shen Yi chuckled. " Sleep early. You'll stay in the dormitory and rest tomorrow. "

After hanging up the phone, Wei Qiao leaned against the bathroom door in a daze. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door behind her.

"Wei Wei, what are you doing in there for so long? Could it be that she fainted from excessive blood loss?" Su Chenchen shouted.

Qiao Wei opened the door and glared at Su Chenchen. " I'm fine! "

"Eh, why is your face so red?" Su Chenchen asked.

Wei Qiao was stunned and said as if nothing had happened,"Maybe he really lost too much blood."

Su Chenchen was speechless. Shouldn't her face be pale because she had lost too much blood?