Chapter 1797-Falling Out (2)

Little Purple was anxious. " How can you just let it go? After all, there is conclusive evidence that June is on the leaderboard. You gave me the evidence. We can't just watch the officials protect June!"

Sun Yan Yan: " Little Purple, I treat you as a good friend, so I tell you everything. But you made such a big deal out of it. I know you're doing this for my own good, but let's just forget about this matter? "

"What do you mean? Am I interfering in your business? Blame me for blowing things up? But you were the one who asked me to post on the forum. Now that things have turned out like this, you're pushing all the blame on me?"

"I didn't mean that. Can you calm down?" I'll treat you to a meal some other day to make it up to you."

Little Purple lost control. " My reputation is completely ruined now. People are calling me shameless and saying that I'm maliciously slandering Liuyue. But I clearly believed you and reported Liuyue. Do you think a meal can solve it? "