Confessed in Public

Qiao Wei and Shen Yi were on their way to the classroom when Qiao Wei saw a girl walking towards them. The girl stared straight at Shen Yi, her eyes revealing undisguised admiration.

Qiao Wei immediately recognized that this girl was the one who had posted her photo on the forum and confessed to Shen Yi.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Wei subconsciously slowed down and distanced herself from Shen Yi.

She wanted to confess her love to him, but she was the third wheel. It didn't seem right.

The girl stared at Shen Yi nervously and stopped five to six meters away from him, waiting for him to approach.

She came here today to ask for an answer. She had said on the forum that she hoped Shen Yi could give her an answer today.

There were so many people in the school who liked Shen Yi, but no one dared to stand up and confess. She wanted to be the first person to get close to him. She did not believe that she would not get a good result under the attention of the entire school!