Confessing to Me Indirectly?

Shen Yi raised his eyebrows. " Why? Are you afraid of being seen by your pursuers?"

"Of course not! I'm not afraid of them seeing it. " Wei Qiao explained.

"Them?" Shen Yi looked at her calmly. " Looks like you have quite a number of suitors. "

Wei Qiao was speechless. She was just saying it casually. That was not the main point at all, okay?

" Ahem, " she said honestly. " There are indeed quite a few, but none of them are what I like. "

"Oh? Then who do you like?"


After hearing Shen Yi's words, Qiao Wei voiced out her thoughts without thinking.

After the word left her mouth, she suddenly reacted. She looked at Shen Yi and her face instantly turned red.

She reacted quickly and started coughing.

Shen Yi smirked. " Are you confessing to me? "

Wei Qiao's face turned even redder. She reacted quickly and coughed. As she coughed, she said," My throat is itchy. I didn't finish my sentence. I wanted to ask who you like. "