The Person She Liked Liked Her Too

After that, Wei Qiao felt as if she was floating in the air. She felt that everything was too sudden and unreal.

If not for the familiar warmth on her lips, she would have thought that everything was just a figment of her imagination.

She did not remember how she got back to the dormitory, nor did she remember what Su Chenchen said to her when she came back. In short, she was in such a good mood that she felt like she was floating. All she could think about was Shen Yi.

Although she had always wanted Shen Yi, the happiness she felt when she finally received a response was unimaginable.

She thought that liking someone was already a very happy thing. At this moment, she realized that in a relationship, there was nothing happier than liking each other.

The person she liked was also secretly liking her. How nice.

After a while, Qiao Wei remembered what Shen Yi had said. She took out her phone and sent him a message."I'm not young anymore!"