About the Betrothal (2)

When they got home, Qiao Mu and Qiao Wei were packing their luggage in the living room while Li Yan and Li Zhuo sat on the sofa and talked about the company.

Qiao Mu opened her luggage and distributed the gifts one by one.

"Wei Wei, this is the skincare products I bought for you. You should be running out of the ones I bought for you last time, right? I bought two sets. Give Chenchen one later."

"Thank you, Mommy." Wei Qiao happily took it.

" There's also a set of beauty equipment here. I previously worked with their company. The manufacturer gave it to me as a gift. They're all from international brands. You can use it to massage your face when you're free. "

"Okay, Mommy." Wei Qiao was very supportive. Although she had already received many similar things, girls loved beauty and would never find it too much.