Chapter 1955-Indifferent

Shen Yi put down the work in his hands, walked over to Qiao Wei, and sat down. He gently rubbed her little head. " If you're unhappy, then don't broadcast it. But you have to think about how much you loved it back then. After all, there's no such thing as harmony and smooth sailing. If you give up what you like because of the big environment, do you think it's worth it? "

Wei Qiao thought about it and shook her head. " It's not worth it. "

" The Internet has always been a place of trouble. You just have to do what you like to do. You don't have to care about other people's comments. " Shen Yi said.

Hearing his words, Wei Qiao felt a warmth in her heart.

When she complained and wanted to give up, he didn't blindly protect and follow her thoughts. Instead, he explained the pros and cons of the matter clearly and let her make her own choice.

Although he doted on her and spoiled her, he would still actively guide her when it came to matters of principle.