Set Apart for Ten Years, By The Living And The Dead! (1)

On her way back, Ning Huanxin walked slowly with a heavy heart. This small town became dead silent after the night fell. There wasn't a single person on the streets.

The rest of the production team left as quickly as possible, so there was no one left around right now. In this silent night, only Ning Huanxin's footsteps could be heard.

When Ning Huaxin reached the entrance of the inn, she unexpectedly saw Wang Nianping.

"Director Wang, why are you here?"

A big-shot director like Wang Nianping naturally wouldn't be staying with them in such a place.

Wang Nianping looked like he hadn't heard Ning Huanxin's question and hurriedly turned around and left.

Ning Huanxin blinked and walked into the inn with a perplexed expression. Surprisingly, the lady boss wasn't watching her usual soap opera drama today but staring at the door in a daze.

Ning Huanxin didn't care and quickly headed back to her own room. When she walked past room 204, she didn't know why but she remembered that WeChat friend 'Female Ghost Next Door.'

In this world, do ghosts really exist?

Ning Huanxin had experienced many strange things since childhood, but she had never seen any so-called 'ghosts'.

It is said that a person is more likely to see ghosts if they have strong 'yin', or whose birth chart is all 'yin'.

However, Ning Huanxin had always been different since birth.

Her birth chart characters were all 'yang'!.

Supposedly, a male who had such a birth chart, would be extremely successful. But if a girl had such a birth chart, she would definitely die young.

However, Ning Huanxin had lived up until now without any ailment or accident.

Of course, she would occasionally have some strange dreams, but Ning Huanxin had already become immune to those.

She returned to her room and immediately saw the screen of her phone flashing non-stop.

In the past 20 years, the weirdest thing that Ning Huanxin had ever seen was probably this imitation phone of hers!

She walked to her bed and picked up her phone. Her phone had notifications for new incoming messages in her WeChat.

She opened the WeChat application, and realized that her newly added friend, Hades, had sent her a red packet over WeChat.

Tsk tsk tsk, sending a big red packet when they have only just known each other. Could he be a rich person?

Could it be that he is trying to impress her?

Ning Huanxin immediately clicked on the red packet happily. However, there was no amount flashed on her screen. There was only one message.

Your red packet has been saved into storage. Do you want to check it?

Of course she wanted to check it!

Ning Huanxin pressed 'yes'. Then, the screen immediately switched to the storage page on the 'My Profile' page. There were ten boxes and right now, there was an icon of a gift box in one of the boxes.

Ning Huanxin tapped that gift box, but another notification popped up instead.

You have 0 WeChat points, hence you are unable to open the storage to retrieve your items. Do you want to activate WeChat Mission to earn points by completing missions?

Ning Huanxin: "…"

F*ck this! This damned WeChat sure is crazy! Why do I have to go through so much just to receive a red packet?

Earn points from missions? Could it just be playing games such as

Ning Huanxin boredly tapped "Yes", and WeChat switched to the 'Missions' page.

We are currently searching for a mission…

Discovering mission…

Reading mission…

Set Apart for Ten Years, By The Living and The Dead!

Do you accept this mission?


Seeing the choice options on her WeChat, Ning Huanxin was confused.

Set Apart for Ten Years, By The Living And The Dead? What kind of mission is this?

Is this a cosplay? Or completing a story?

"Let's accept the mission."

Ning Huanxin hesitated for a moment, but she still chose "yes". In a second, she felt as if her entire world was spinning upside down.

When Ning Huanxin recovered her senses, she only felt the north wind howling. It was cold, piercingly cold.

She slowly opened her eyes. Before her eyes, it was a deserted… graveyard!


Ning Huanxin was caught off-guard and was genuinely shocked.

"Hey, why are you still here? Which team are you in?"

At that moment, a man's low and steady voice suddenly called from behind Ning Huanxin. She slowly turned around and saw Wang Nianping's figure.

"Director Wang? You're here too?" Ning Huanxin naturally asked.

"I'm not the director. You can just call me Assistant Director."

However, Wang Nianping still smiled slightly when he heard Ning Huanxin's words. "From your outfit, you must be an extra? Are you from that new production team that just joined today?"

Ning Huanxin: "…"

Ning Huanxin suddenly realized that the Wang Nianping standing before her looked much younger than the Wang Nianping she knew. Even his eyes were filled with energy and vigor.

Set Apart for… Ten Years, By The Living And The Dead!

Ning Huanxin's heart skipped a beat. D-Did she go ten years back in time?

  1. Literal translation of 'birth chart' is 'eight characters' which is determined by a person's birthday. It is an astrology term that is often used for fortune telling. 'yin' also means dark.
  2. 'yang' is the opposite of 'yin'. It can also mean 'bright'.