Set Apart for Ten Years, By The Living And The Dead! (39)

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Zhang Yunshu hesitated for a moment before she stood before the grave and whispered softly. "Cousin, cousin, I know you're here. Come out. I'm Shu Er; I'm Shu Er."

After all these years of not seeing Li Yan's spirit, Zhang Yunshu had given up, no longer desiring to see her again.

But now that Zhang Yan was in trouble, she had no choice.

"Cousin, Little Yan is my life. I beg you to come out and meet me."

At the end of her speech, Zhang Yunshu kneeled before the grave, her eyes full of tears.

"Her father had already left us, and I only have her. We depend on each other to live right now. Cousin, please, I beg you! Please let me see Little Yan!"

Perhaps it was Zhang Yunshu's tears that moved Li Yan's spirit. At the moment, a sinister wind swept across the entire graveyard.

Following that, a ball of black smoke appeared in the inky-black night, seemingly translucent.

A strange voice sounded from far before it started moving closer.

That voice was like a heavy object rubbing against the ground, with some pulling and pushing. It was ear piercing and a little frightening.

Ning Huanxin held her breath as she watched silently in the voice's direction.

A red-figure slowly walked out of the ball of black smoke.

It's Zhang Yan, no, that should be Li Yan.

Her eyes remained red while her hand continued dragging an object. Following her footsteps, that object made a strange noise as it rubbed against the ground.

As Li Yan neared the duo, the smell of blood became stronger.

This was…

Ning Huanxin's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth in disbelief.

Li Yan was dragging a person!

The person was unconscious and covered in a bloody mess.

Ning Huanxin could not see the face amidst the bloody mess, but judging from the tattered clothes, she could still tell that the person was from the film crew!


At that moment, Zhang Yunshu had also seen the person Li Yan was dragging. She cried out in shock.

"Little Yan, Little Yan, have you killed someone?"

In the eyes of Zhang Yunshu, the person standing right in front of her was her daughter, Zhang Yan.

But the person before them suddenly glanced coldly at Zhang Yunshu and Ning Huanxin before she gave a bloody smile, revealing her teeth stained crimson red with blood.

"Cousin, it's me."

Li Yan's voice was hoarse and low.


Witnessing for herself the possession of Zhang Yan's body by Li Yan, Zhang Yunshu immediately became nervous. "Cousin, how is Little Yan? How is she?"

Hearing Zhang Yunshu's words of concern for Zhang Yan, Li Yan could not help but give a creepy smile. "As long as I kill everyone from the film crew and use their life force and spirits as a tonic, I will be able to resurrect Little Yan. She will be able to send you off when you die!"


Yes, Zhang Yan had died.

She had died in Qin Su's embrace.

When she took the fatal blow for Qin Su, her heart was pierced and already damaged beyond salvage. There was no way she could survive.

It was Li Yan who continued to possess Zhang Yan's body and made her look like a living person. Even Zhang Yan's spirit was now trapped in the body, unable to express herself or escape.

Hearing Li Yan's words, Zhang Yunshu collapsed and fell to the ground.

Little Yan. Had her Little Yan died?

No, she could not let Little Yan die, but…

Zhang Yunshu stared at the bloody person held by Li Yan in fear.

To save her daughter's life, must she sacrifice others?