Set Apart for Ten Years, By The Living And The Dead! (49)

At last, Zhang Yunshu brought Zhang Xiao out to shop for clothes. Ning Huanxin and Wang Nianping got out of Zhang Xiao's house and slowly walked toward Siheyuan.

When they were reaching Siheyuan, Wang Nianping suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned to Ning Huanxin. With a complicated expression, he asked, "Little Ning, who exactly are you?"


Ning Huanxin stared at Wang Nianping ignorantly. "Brother Wang, what're you talking about?"

"Nothing, perhaps I've been overthinking into things." Wang Nianping shook his head and briskly walked into Siheyuan.

Initially, he was the first one to discover Ning Huanxin at the graveyard. After that, Jiang Lixing brought her back.

He did not think much of it at first, but with many events unfolding recently and the film crew's paranoia, many minor actors and extras had left the group without even collecting their pay. Compared to them, Ning Huanxin was very calm. Also… she seemed to know much more information than others did.

This girl was indeed very mysterious.


Director Wang was indeed Director Wang. He was sharp-witted and had a meticulous observation.

However, Ning Huanxin thought no matter how boggling Wang Nianping's mind was, he would never have expected her to time-travel back from ten years later.

Ning Huanxin could not help but laugh as she returned to her room alone. Yang Ah Nuan was already wide asleep on the small bed.

Seeing the windblown-opened window, she hurried to close it. The sight of the floor mirror made her heart stop again.

Yang Ah Nuan said that was a valuable antique, but why did Auntie Zhang want to put such a precious object in Zhang Yan's study room?

Did she not know the value of this object?

Ning Huanxin's hand moved up to stroke her chin. It seemed like she must remind Auntie Zhang when she had the time.

It was all money! All money!

By the time Bai Yunzi returned, it was already noon. He meditated on an empty area in the courtyard. No one dared to disturb this highly skilled expert.

When it was dinner time, Ning Huanxin went back to her room to call Yang Ah Nuan, only to find that the little girl was already wide awake and was standing by the window in a daze.

"Ah Nuan, time for dinner!"

Ning Huanxin exclaimed, but Ah Nuan stood motionless by the window.

"Ah Nuan?"

Ning Huanxin took a few steps forward and stood beside Yang Ah Nuan.

Yang Ah Nuan was staring outside the window with a serious face.

Through the clean window glass, one could see the scenery of the courtyard.

She didn't know when Bai Yunzi had stood up from his meditating position, and now he stood together with Jiang Lixing. The duo's discussion was also unknown.

"Ah Nuan?"

Ning Huanxin retracted her gaze and turned to look at the short little kid beside her.


With much dissatisfaction, Yang Ah Nuan suddenly turned, shooting daggers at Ning Huanxin. At that instant, Jiang Lixing and Bai Yunzi seemed to have finished their discussion, and the two left one after another.

"Why did you call me? Didn't you see that I was… I was… Haiz, you won't know even if I tell you."

The little girl seemed to be in a terrible mood.

Just now, she had obviously felt a strange aura, one that made her heart palpitate. She felt it… from the Big Brother's body.

But the aura dissipated in the blink of an eye, as if it was all her illusion.

Yang Ah Nuan's eyes were very special. Since she was born, her eyes could see spirits that others could not.

In Taoism, that was called the 'Celestial Eye'.

Because of this pair of eyes, the little girl had been different from the other children from a young age, and her relatives also abandoned her.

Fortunately, she met Bai Yunzi later.