Demigod Burial

Their mother answered the call right away. Su Lingyue made up a quick excuse to ask her to go to the pet shop.

A moment after, Li Qingru showed up at the shop on hurried steps and threw Su Ping a worried glance, only to see her son sitting there just fine.

"Lingyin? Didn't you say that your brother got injured? Something hit his head??"

"Oh, well… He just came to." Su Lingyue didn't look embarrassed at all.

Su Ping rolled his eyes after finding out about his sister's terrible lie.

Since his family was finally there with him, he was less concerned about whether the unknown enemies would bother him or his family first. He assumed that the evildoer would soon find out everything about a poor family if they wanted, including his name and where he worked. They probably had no reason to go after his family first.

"What's going on here?" Li Qingru looked at her children and demanded.