Chapter 102: What Day is Today? (An additional update for Club Leader Lazy Sound)

Chapter 102: What's Today?

After examining his own blood under a 2000x microscope, Xiang Kun compared it with videos and photos he found online and noticed a difference.

His red blood cells seemed to be "fatter" and clustered together closely at the same magnifications.

If he were to compare other people's red blood cells to persimmons, then his cells were more like basketballs. Moreover, his cells carried an authoritative aura. Why was this?

He examined his samples carefully but was unable to find any white blood cells or platelets. Maybe it was due to the lack of staining?

Suddenly, all the red blood cells appeared to receive the same command, their cell membranes ruptured rapidly, and their internal structures connected. Then they kept changing, coagulating, and forming into numerous fine granules, all of equal size and with smooth exteriors.