Chapter 163: Ideal Venue

Before his transformation, Xiang Kun shied away from anything remotely related to mundane matters like opening a shop, managing, advertising, and so on, simply because he found them troublesome, and nothing irked him more than trouble.

It's not that he now enjoyed trouble, but his brain was continuously running at high speed. Even when he was idling, his brain would automatically collect and assess surrounding sensory information and analyze what people were saying.

Whenever he heard an intriguing question or a question posed by someone he deemed important, he would instinctively start considering possible responses and devising plans.

This was the outcome of intensive, target-specific training over an extended period and multiple evolutionary changes.

So, the moment Xiang Kun stepped into "Youlong Restaurant" and deciphered that the restaurant owned by You Meng was struggling, his subconscious began contemplating solutions.