Chapter 286: Administering Punishment

At the airport terminal, Zhang Qian sat next to Xiang Kun, asking, "Were you serious about the game development thing you talked about?"

Days prior, while they were guests at Liu Caifu's house in Chongyun Village, Xiang Kun had once discussed his previous construction plans for Chongyun Village and the so-called Artificial Intelligence and Internet Breeding Research Institute, as well as a rabbit breeding base.

Of course, the discussion this time was more down-to-earth, detailed, and likely to be implemented in practice.

Liu Caifu even brought out a map and explained in detail the conditions of each piece of land, acquainting Xiang Kun with what sort of policies they could obtain from Tongshi Town, Jianzhou City, and even the province, and what kinds of linkage developments they could implement.

Regardless of other matters, the poor road outside Chongyun Village definitely needed to be repaired.