Chapter 383: Driving Home

Seeing Xia Libing craning her neck to see what was in his bundled T-shirt, Xiang Kun took the initiative to show her:

"My phone, blew up."

Yes, what he wrapped in his T-shirt was the phone he'd been using to play music at the top of the mountain. After triggering the lightning storm, the phone had exploded.

He had anticipated this, it's just that everything happened so suddenly that he didn't have a chance to hide his phone in advance. Moreover, the impact of the lightning storm was so large that even if he had thrown his phone far away, it would not have escaped its fate.

Anyway, it was an inexpensive phone that was already well-worn, so it was time for a replacement.

All the important data on the phone had been backed up by Alice before today, so he wasn't worried about losing anything. The phone exploding really wasn't a big concern.