Chapter 427: Golden Finger (Part 1)

Zhou Rui had always been deeply interested in ants and their behaviors. He liked researching the diverse characteristics of various ant species, and he even kept them to study and observe.

So any creature that most people would not pay attention to, or even despised, he would instinctively give a few more glances and then associate them with relevant memories from his previous research.

Just like certain car enthusiasts who, upon seeing a distinct car model, would immediately make judgments in their minds and be able to guess the car's brand and model just from a hubcap, a rear window, or a fender. They could even identify the engine by the sound of it revving, and could tell you about its specifications like how many cylinders it has, how much horsepower it churns out, and its maximum torque and efficiency curve.

And if the engine sound, exhaust pipe design, car details, or rear emblem doesn't match, they would instantly recognize that the car has been modified.