Chapter 469: A Gentleman?

John inched his way swiftly down the street, seeming to only be walking briskly rather than running, yet maintaining a pace that rivaled an all-out sprint of an ordinary person.

And he didn't move in a straight line, constantly ducking into alleys, using the terrain to cloak his path.

After about ten minutes, John stopped in a dim, foul-smelling alleyway, narrowed eyes gazing at the light outside, controlling his breath, waiting patiently.

Several minutes passed with no sign of anyone, and likewise, during his fast-moving journey, he also found no signs of being followed.

John took a breather, feeling that he might have been overly jittery. Perhaps the opposing side had only sent out the suited man and no one else.

Who were they? And how did they discover him?

John pondered, considering the most likely possibility of having been noticed by someone while he was searching for clues in the places where Guo Tianxiang had frequented during the day.