The Heart Sutra, The World-shaking Words

"Today, I'll teach you Mahayana Buddhism."

The entire world was surprised upon hearing this.

The audience never expected that Lu Changsheng would really talk about Mahayana Buddhism.

"Please." Xuan Xin lowered his head to the ground.

Lu Changsheng looked towards the west in silence. No one knew what he was thinking.

After a while.

He started speaking again, "When the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara was flowing deeply into the state of the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom.

"He looked down and perceived that all Five Skandhas are empty, thus, he overcame all illnesses and sufferings.

"O Sariputra, form does not differ from the void, and the void does not differ from form. form is void and void is form; the same also applies to feelings, perceptions, volitions and consciousness.

"O Sariputra, all Dharmas are marked with voidness: they are neither created nor destroyed, they cannot be defiled or purified, they cannot be augmented or diminished. Hence, within voidness, there is no form, feeling, perception, volition, nor consciousness.

"No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, nor perception; no form, sound, smell, taste, tangible objects nor objects of mind; no realm of the sense of sight and so forth, even to the extent of no realm of consciousness; there is no annoyance from ignorance, and so, there is no annihilation of annoyance from ignorance; there is no decay and death, and so forth, there is no extinction of decay and death."

Lu Changsheng recited these passages from memory.

He was glad that he was a big fan of web novels in his previous life. Everytime he ran into profound lines that he didn't understand, he would always do his research. With his good memory, Lu Changsheng could recall most of what he read.

This was the Heart Sutra, the ultimate philosophy in Mahayana Buddhism.

Just after Lu Changsheng finished these passages.

Golden light overwhelmed everything.

Eighteen halos appeared behind Lu Changsheng's head.

And then, something even more amazing happened.

Just behind Lu Changsheng, there emerged the vague figures of many ancient Buddhas. It was like they were paying their greatest respects, many of them were holding the Wheel of Dharma, jade vases, and vajras, giving off bright light.

The golden halo overwhelmed everything as the sound of sutra reading shocked the entire world of cultivation.

Countless senior cultivators sprang to their feet. They truly couldn't believe it.

In the western desert.

The desert was boundless. At the same time, all the ancient temples gave off endless golden light.

Vague figures of the Buddhas appeared in the air. The holy ritual items were also giving off vibrant light.

The entire desert was shocked.

The halo of Buddhism enveloped everything!

Meanwhile, Lu Changsheng's voice had also brought great changes to an old and shabby-looking temple.

Golden light radiated from the old temple as the vague figure of a Bodhisattva appeared.

The figure followed Lu Changsheng and recited the sutra, "When the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara was flowing deeply into the state of the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom.

"He looked down and perceived that all Five Skandhas are empty, thus, he overcame all illnesses and sufferings.

"O Sariputra, form does not differ from the void, and the void does not differ from form. form is void and void is form; the same also applies to feelings, perceptions, volitions and consciousness."

In the small Leiyin Temple.

All the monks who were denouncing Lu Changsheng earlier were now completely astounded.

The four Great Monk Masters opened their eyes, looking beyond astonished.

Master Pu Zhi also couldn't help but shake.

And then, he knelt down on the ground.

"Pu Zhi pays his greatest respect to the Mentor of all Buddhist Monks!"

Then, the thirty-three thousand, three hundred and thirty-three monks, thirty-six Bodhisattvas, eighteen Arhats, four Venerable Masters, four Great Monk Masters all followed him and knelt down toward the east.




The small Leiyin Temple was shaking while the symbol of Buddhism formed in the air, it was visible to the entire western desert as its light covered the entire world.

The unusual phenomenon was truly formidable.

What's more was that the most cherished vajra in the temple rose to the sky.

This was the most precious weapon in the small Leiyin Temple.

The Diamond Demon-conquering Vajra.

The vajra projected the vague figure of Buddha, giving off endless sacred halo.

This figure could be seen from anywhere in the world.


"The figure of Buddha!"

"Buddha appeared!"

Countless people living in the western desert saw this. They had no idea what was happening.

While kneeling on the ground, they brought their heads deep down.

The figure then started reading out a sutra, "When the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara was flowing deeply into the state of the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom.

"He looked down and perceived that all Five Skandhas are empty, thus, he overcame all illnesses and sufferings.

"O Sariputra, form does not differ from the void, and the void does not differ from form. form is void and void is form; the same also applies to feelings, perceptions, volitions and consciousness."

The voice read the sutra Lu Changsheng recited.

This formidable power shook the sky of the western desert.


The Heaven Secrets Sect.

The Sect Master was sitting on top of the highest peak.

As he stared at Zenith Heaven, his eyes were full of tears.

"Daoism has such a matchless genius. Master, is this the reason why you're crying?" A disciple asked the Sect Master of the Heaven Secrets Sect.

"Bullshit! I'm regretful! Deeply regretful! I should beat myself up for giving up Lu Changsheng. I calculated everything and I knew from the very beginning that Lu Changsheng was a matchless cultivator. However, I didn't know that he was both the Saint Scholar and the Mentor to All Buddhist Monks!" The Sect Master of the Heaven Secrets Sect bawled out.

"The Mentor to All Buddhist Monks? But he's a cultivator!" The disciple couldn't believe his ears.

"Who says that the Mentor to All Buddhist Monks can't be a cultivator? Despite being the Mentor to All Buddhist Monks, it doesn't mean that he has to be a monk himself! Since he has chosen to be a cultivator. There's nothing those monks can do. If my guess isn't wrong, he's…"

"Who is he?"

"He's the Son of the World! The Son of Dao. He's everything and cannot be understood using common sense. He's unpredictable!

"Pass down my command; no matter what happens, no one is allowed to calculate Lu Changsheng's destiny or his enemy's. Anyone who violates this command will be immediately exiled from the sect!"

The Heaven Secrets Sect was very serious.


Among the mountains in the far north.

In a long abyss that stretched for over a million miles.

An angry roar came.

"Why! Why! Why! Why do they have such a genius? Daoism and Buddhism have already been thriving for a hundred thousand years! How much longer do we still have to wait? This is unfair! Heaven should also bless the Sacred!"


In the east.

The Kunlun Mountains.

An elderly cultivator opened his eyes as he calculated with his fingers. And then, he suddenly burst into laughter. "He's here! The person who I've been waiting for a hundred thousand years is finally here!"

In the hundred thousand mountains in the south.

Demonic power soared into the sky.

For over ten thousand miles, everything was covered in the eerie aura.

While the sutra was read aloud, countless demons burst out with loud and bitter cries.

As it wriggled its huge body, a leading demon felt taunted hearing the cursed sutras.

"Why is there another Son of Dao?! With such being the case, I have to go against the will of Heaven! Listen to my command! Accelerate the plan! The Demon Saint should be hatched as soon as possible!"

The entire world was in amazement.

However, in Zenith Heaven,

Lu Changsheng still continued to recite the sutras.

The words he spoke out were the ultimate dictums.

These words were the most sacred words in Buddhism.

These words were beyond enlightenment and were filled with wisdom.

Xuan Xin couldn't help but burst into tears, Mahayana Buddhism had solved all the questions in his mind.

The cleaver in his heart disappeared as a sacred halo poured into Xuan Xin's body.

The horrifying-looking Buddhas recovered their amiable expressions while black air rose from his body and dissipated.

Every single word of the Heart Sutra turned into golden symbols of Buddhism and entered Xuan Xin's body.

Nine halos appeared behind Xuan Xin's head.

He had now entered the stage of profound wisdom.

He had completely awakened.

At this time.

Lu Changsheng stopped reciting.

Lu Changsheng stopped halfway through the sutra.

He decided to stop here.

The reason was quite simple.

He had already said everything he should say.

Destiny gathers and disperses.

Destiny arises. Destiny falls.

Xuan Xin had to rely on himself to finish the sutras now.

As such, this was why Lu Changsheng stopped.

However, the changes between Heaven and Earth hadn't.



Beams of holy light fell upon Lu Changsheng and Xuan Xin.

Great changes soon followed.