Encountering the puppet army

"Who's that?"

Lu Ming's pupils suddenly constricted. He saw that there was a rune on each arrow. The rune was not even the size of a palm and was stuck to the arrow.

As soon as the arrow hit its target, the runes on the arrow would explode and release a huge amount of energy.

The explosion of the arrow was caused by these runes.

Buzzzzzz! Buzzzzzz!

Lu Ming's figure flashed rapidly, trying his best to avoid the arrow and not come into contact with it.


Violent explosions rang out continuously, accompanied by waves of miserable screams. Many people were killed.

However, most of the people who were killed were martial artists below the fourth level martial King realm. Those above the fourth level martial King realm had used their intent and powerful true origin to protect themselves and withstand the power of the explosion.

Whoosh! Whoosh!