Great improvement in cultivation

look, even Ji mai, ranked 107th on the list of top 1000 talents, is here!

"There's also senior brother Yan Tongtong who's ranked 115th! Senior Sister Meng Jia who's 118!"

Someone cried out in surprise, because they saw three extraordinary heaven's favorites.

These three people could be said to be the talisman sect's conquerors who were closest to the top 100 on the list of top 1000 talents. They were also the most qualified candidates for the zongzi position. They were extremely powerful.

The three of them were expressionless and their eyes were closed. They were sitting on a huge rock and waiting quietly.

Bai chixue had also heard the news and rushed over. She looked anxious.

Although she knew that Lu Ming was very powerful and could refine ninth-grade sixth-level inscription scrolls, which of the top 300 divine level talents on the list of top 1000 talents could not refine ninth-grade sixth-level inscription scrolls?