Half-Saint medicine

It was a block-like object that looked like a tree root. It was completely golden, just like gold, but it gave off a strong medicinal fragrance.

The earth Emperor's essence was one of the main spiritual materials to refine the Nirvana elixir. Lu Ming had never expected that he would find it in an ancient mine in the divine Ruins.

How could Lu Ming not be happy?

After obtaining this piece of earth Emperor's essence, he was only missing one of the seven main ingredients to refine the Nirvana elixir. As long as he gathered all seven main ingredients, the other supplementary ingredients would be easy to find.

At that time, he would be able to start refining the Nirvana pill.

"That's an earth Emperor Goblin!"

it's really a piece of Emperor earth essence. We've made a huge profit. A piece of Emperor earth essence is worth tens of millions of raw stones!

my luck is too good. It's only the first piece, and I've already found a treasure!