Chapter 1241-lightning territory

"Hahaha, I can't eat almsgiver Lu's food for free. I have some top-grade wine here that goes well with this roasted meat!"

The heartless monk walked over and with a wave of his hand, seven to eight jars of wine appeared on the ground.

"This ..."

Lu Ming, Xie nianqing, and Long Chen were all stunned.

How could there be such a monk in the Buddhist sect?

"Haha, then this little monk won't be polite!"

The unscrupulous monk laughed, and his eyes lit up. He rolled up his sleeves and tore off one of the bird's wings, then began to gnaw.

Lu Ming smiled and picked up a jar of wine. He opened it and took a big gulp. The wine was thick and sweet, and it felt warm and comfortable in his stomach. Even his vital essence could be circulated more smoothly.

This was truly a top-grade wine. This unscrupulous monk really knew how to enjoy himself.

Then, Li Huo gulped down the wine and ate the meat.