If she comes, I'll step on her too

As soon as those people got close to the bubble, their bodies rapidly shrank. When they got close to the bubble, they became as small as dust and then disappeared into the bubble.

"I'm fine!"

Many people saw that it was fine to enter, so even more people rushed towards the bubble.

Buzzzzzz! Buzzzzzz! &Nbsp; Whoosh!...

A dense crowd of figures charged into the bubble and then disappeared inside.

"Let's go too!"

Lu Ming said. Together with Qiu Ying Ying and the rest, they flew toward the bubble.

As soon as they flew towards the bubble, a strong force of attraction was produced on the bubble, pulling them in.

The closer they got to the bubble, they felt that the bubble was getting bigger.

Then, their figures also entered the bubble and disappeared.

On the platform, Yin Feng and a few other people looked at Lu Ming's disappearing figure. Cold killing intent burst out from their bodies.

"Just you wait, I'll definitely kill this person!"