Chapter 1463-falling into a trap again

In the end, the Feng family head had no choice but to nod and agree to take Xu long and the others to the ancient ruins.

"Let's go, you point the way!"

Xu long said as he carried the Feng family head.

"To the East!"

The Feng family head pointed out the direction. Lu Ming and the rest rose into the air and flew in the direction pointed out by the Feng family head.

They flew all the way to the depths of the six void mountain. After flying for more than 100000 miles, they finally landed in a remote Canyon.

They came to a cave in the depths of the canyon.

This cave was indeed very well hidden. If one were to search slowly, it would not be easy to find.

this ancient ruin is an ancient cave mansion. It's very big inside. I guess it's a place where a peerless expert secludes himself!

The Feng family head said.

Xu Long's eyes flashed with greed as he said, " "You better be telling the truth. Otherwise, you know the consequences!"