A loud shout, and all of them vomited blood

how dare you kill a heaven's pride expert of the heavenly God sect! The heavenly God sect will not let you off no matter where you go!

The master of the SU family bellowed. The aura of a third stage half-Saint surged toward Lu Ming.

However, Lu Ming stood there calmly, not even the corner of his clothes fluttered.

"Damn it, you deserve to die. How dare you kill the senior brother of the heavenly God sect!"

no! Su Qin also roared madly. Her plan this time, her painstaking planning, was completely destroyed.

don't forget that the heaven's pride expert of the tianshen sect died in your su family. If the people of the tianshen sect knew about this, who knows what they would think? "

Lu Ming said calmly.

Su Qin, the head of the SU family, and the other members of the SU family were shocked.