So wild dogs look like this

After the master of Silver Dragon Valley left, the challenge continued. Since Yin yinsong was the one who was challenged, he still had to stay in the fighting ring.

Yin taisong could only lower his head the entire time and stand in the fighting ring in shame.

The challenges continued. However, given Lu Ming's combat strength, no one dared to challenge him.

In reality, no one dared to challenge those who were ranked at the top. Most of the challenges that were carried out later ended in failure.

Half a day later, the challenge ended and the twenty spots were set.

In Tian Chui's cave residence in Cloud Dragon Valley, Longyuan Shan, Lu Ming, Tian Chui, and Xue ningxin sat around a table and drank to their heart's content.

ha, ha, ha, it's so satisfying today. I'm so happy to see the old dog master of Silver Dragon Valley!

Tian Chui gulped down a few mouthfuls of wine and laughed.