Bubble's strength

Hearing the words of the older heavenly emperors, many people were even more curious.

"Senior, what is her true form?"

Someone asked.

just watch and you'll know. She'll most likely reveal her true form in this battle!

The old Emperor smiled.

Bubbles 'opponent was an extremely burly man. He was almost three meters tall and his muscles were like dragons. In front of him, bubbles looked like a tiny dot.

"Little fellow, reveal your true form. Otherwise, I really can't do anything to such a small thing like you!"

The burly young man said in a low, muffled voice.

big guy, don't think that you can defeat me just because you're big. If you want me to reveal my true body, it'll depend on your ability, chirp chirp!

Pao Pao pouted, her face filled with disdain.

"Little guy, let's see how capable you are!"

The burly young man grinned. In the next moment, he charged towards the bubble like a mountain.


He punched out, and the void trembled.