Chapter 2118-defeating the star River again

Lu Ming took a step forward. With each step, a River of laws would appear on his body.

With his first step, the Laws of Chaos formed a River that surrounded Lu Ming.

With his second step, another river of laws appeared. It was the river of the law of death.

Chaos and death, the two most powerful rivers of laws, surrounded Lu Ming, attracting everyone's attention.

This was because this was a scene that had never appeared in the primordial realm since ancient times. It could be called a miracle.

Many people even took out their image exterminating stones to record everything.

Then, a shocking scene appeared.

The two rivers of laws had actually fused together and turned into a two-colored river of laws.

it's fused. The two ultimate maxims have fused together!

Someone shouted in excitement.

Oh my God, this is heaven-defying! The two ultimate maxims have really fused together!

"What a miracle!"