People from the ten thousand spirit heavenly domain

Dozens of alien races charged at Lu Ming. Lu Ming could sense that there were terrifying experts among them.

Although there were no great emperors, there were definitely level 16 and level 17 true emperors.

Lu Ming was severely injured now. He was no match for these alien races and could only avoid them for the time being.

Lu Ming cast his six-feathered divine wings and flew into the distance at top speed.

The alien races were following closely behind.

which heavenly domain is this? he said that the human race has escaped. It seems that there are still human beings in this heavenly domain!

Lu Ming was thinking as he flew.

Behind him, the alien races were very fast, especially a few of them. They were shockingly powerful and were slowly closing the distance between them and Lu Ming.

"My injuries are too severe, I can't use my full strength!"

Lu Ming frowned, thinking of a solution.