Chapter 2968-Night Demon Lord appears

After the four paragons killed the demon Lord, they looked into the depths of the city Lord's mansion.


At this moment, a vast aura burst out from the depths of the city Lord's mansion. Then, a figure stepped out and stood in the sky.

This person was the night Demon King.

Night Demon King, you've finally appeared!

Wu Xue's senior, the blood-robed youth, said coldly.

"Why? Why do you want to kill us?"

The night Demon Lord's face was filled with malevolence.

"Why are there so many whys? Do I need a reason to destroy a small mountain like yours?"

The young man who was covered in golden demonic light was very overbearing.

"Hahaha, I don't need a reason. Indeed!"

The night Demon King laughed and his eyes became more ferocious. He stared at the four heaven's favorites and sneered, " you may be talented, but you're only heavenly gods. Do you think you can fight me? "