Negative impact

Right now, Lu Ming's main goal was to deal with Jingyu. He wanted to improve his strength while making preparations for Jingyu's matter.

After a long journey, Lu Ming returned to the universal camp.


Lu Ming had just returned to the universal camp when he saw a huge battle.

In the sky, a few young men were fighting intensely, and it was a chaotic battle.

Lu Ming took a closer look and realized that the few youths belonged to two different families.

how dare you accuse the Liu family of stealing the nine absolute God crystal! You are seeking death!

A young man roared.

"If it's not your Liu family, then who is it?"

The young man who was fighting him sneered.

I said it was your Zhang family who stole the nine absolute God crystal. Your Zhang family is the mastermind!

The young man from before shouted.



The two sides were locked in battle, and many people were watching.