Chapter 3159-taking action

Before, LAN Feng had already explained to them the characteristics of this black fog area.

This area should be enveloped by a huge formation. It was difficult to tell the direction inside, so it was naturally difficult to pass through this area.

LAN Feng had also brought an array master over. Through the research of the array master, if they wanted to pass through this area, they could only close the array in this area.

The formation master had discovered that this formation should have six formation eyes. Only by sealing all six of them at the same time could the formation be temporarily sealed.

After sealing this formation, they would be able to pass through this area.

However, the six formation eyes had to be sealed at the same time, and the time couldn't be one minute apart.

Originally, with the experts that LAN Feng had brought last time, it would have been very easy to do this.