Ancient cultivation method

Chu chengkong revealed two star cores and controlled two different kinds of divine power, which shocked most people.

it's an ancient cultivation method. Chu chengkong is cultivating an ancient cultivation method!

Some of the older generation exclaimed.

"An ancient cultivation method?"

Many people were puzzled and asked the elder for advice.

The elder began to explain.

Countless years ago, during the incipient God Realm or the beginning of the heavenly Palace era, there was a method of cultivation that could cultivate many kinds of divine power at the same time.

Two, three, four ...

Cultivating multiple divine powers at the same time would allow one to form multiple star cores. Furthermore, the size of the star cores would be larger than the ones cultivated by ordinary people. The divine power would also be more vigorous.

However, this kind of cultivation method was very dangerous. If one was not careful, one's body would explode and one would die.