The elven princess arrived

Nine silkworm Prince shouted in fear.

"Hand it over!"

Lu Ming stopped.

Nine silkworm Prince gritted his teeth. In the end, he was helpless and didn't dare to resist. He obediently handed over the great Sundering technique.

A jade talisman flew out from his glabella and was caught by Lu Ming.

Lu Ming used his spiritual senses to scan the Jade talisman and found that it recorded the great Sundering art.

Lu Ming was overjoyed and kept it in his storage ring. Many people were green with envy.

"Get lost!"

Lu Ming sent nine silkworm Prince flying with a kick. He did not kill him.

After all, there were so many people watching, and they were even using the dream divine Jade to broadcast. If he killed nine silkworm Prince in public, it would probably provoke the old monsters of the heavenly silkworm clan to deal with him. But if he didn't kill nine silkworm Prince, at least those old monsters of the heavenly silkworm clan would be too embarrassed to make a move.