The cunning dandan, big harvest

The long spear pierced through the air, annihilating the void with terrifying power. The demon Emperor's pupils constricted. He could not care less about attacking Lu Ming and the other two, and hurriedly waved his demonic claws to block it.


An earth-shattering boom resounded. The long spear was blocked, but the devil Emperor realm evil devil was also forced to retreat.

A burly man in golden armor stepped through the air. His aura was like a mountain, and his eyes were like lightning.

He was a first-class heavenly soldier and also an Emperor God.

"As the great demon Emperor, what kind of skill is it to attack a few little fellows? I'll be your opponent!"

A cold voice came from the first-class heavenly soldier. His figure was like a flash of lightning, instantly approaching the demon Emperor. His spear pierced through the void and stabbed at the demon.

"Don't think that I'm afraid of you and I'll kill you as well!"