The strongest demon heaven's favorite

All the plants in the forest seemed to come to life, turning into terrifying monsters that charged at the burly demon.

"Illusion, break!"

The tall and sturdy evil demon roared loudly. He grabbed out with his demonic claws, and those trees exploded with a loud bang.

an illusory formation. Break it! Don't even think about trapping me. Break it! Break, Break, Break!

The burly evil demon roared crazily, as if he had transformed into a mad prehistoric giant beast. He rampaged, and wherever he passed, rocks flew, and huge pits were blasted out of the ground.

At that moment, Lu Ming and Ling Yuwei had already left the forest and appeared at the other end. They were not affected by the illusory formation at all.

Lu Ming was very surprised.

this illusory formation was set up by a formation master from the heavenly Palace. It won't be able to hold that devil for long. Let's leave this place quickly. Follow me.