Activating the power of the heart of the Lord God

The battle between the flying chariot and the heavenly human elder did not cause much of a stir.

&Nbsp; however, just because they had not caused too much of a disturbance did not mean that their attacks were weak. All the God Lords present knew that if they were struck by even one of their attacks, they would be dead without a doubt.

The two of them were too fast. In the blink of an eye, they had exchanged dozens of moves.

After fifty moves, the two of them retreated and faced each other from a distance of hundreds of millions of miles.

"Old man, it seems like you can't do anything to us today!"

The flying chariot chuckled.

"It seems that I can only take a gamble!"

The elder of the heavenly human tribe said, his eyes cold.


A terrifying aura erupted from his body again. This aura was several times more terrifying than before.

Rich power of the heavens gushed out of the heavenly human elder's body.