A crazy world

Lu Ming's expression turned even more solemn when he heard that.

This heavenly prison was indeed very terrifying. The people who stayed here were simply being tortured at all times.

It was not only physical torture, but also mental torture.

Everyone had a weakness in their heart.

The longer one stayed in this place, the more this weakness would be magnified. It would be a pain for anyone.

Some people would choose special means to vent their anger, such as bloodthirst, killing, and so on. Those who couldn't bear it would fall into madness.

the heavenly Palace is using this method to torture us. Many people can't bear it and will yield to the heavenly Palace, becoming their tools and being used by the heavenly Palace ...

Rong Geng sighed.

"Is there no way to resist this Heart Flame and demonic fire, or is there no way to escape this prison?"

Lu Ming asked.

"There are!"