Five levels, 130 slots

Eight feet, nine feet, ten feet ...

The number of people in the first two grades also became fewer and fewer.

The number of people in the first tier increased from 1125 to 562, then to 281 ...

The number of people in the second tier was also decreasing.

When the number of people in the first tier increased to 70, the old voice rang out again.

at this point, I'll have to change the rules of the competition. I now announce that the 70 people in the first tier will all enter the 130 slots and obtain the opportunity to connect to universe ocean.

there are still 60 people from the second level. The second level will be a round-robin battle. The 60 people with the best battle results will also be successfully selected!

after the 130 spots are selected, we'll carry out the specific ranking battle!

as for the others, they're all eliminated!