A broken ship in the void

In the distant void, Lu Ming's body tensed up and his hair stood on end. It was an instinctive reaction to danger.

Although Lu Ming was too far away and did not see yechu gongcang being killed because he was flying at full speed, he could guess that the void beast was coming.

He could hear the howls of the void beasts, which shook the entire void.

The roar of a void beast did not travel at the speed of ordinary sound. As long as it was supported by divine power or other powers, the speed of sound would not be the same as ordinary sound. It would be hundreds of millions of times faster than ordinary sound, even faster than the speed of light.

In the world of cultivators, everything could not be viewed with common sense.

Lu Ming had also heard yechu gongcang's final, unwilling, and miserable cry.