Chapter 4604-power distribution

"Thank ... Thank you. Tang Jun, can you tell me more about the current situation of the swing battlefield?"

Lu Ming asked.

if you want to understand the specific situation of the swing battlefield, look at the map first!

After saying that, Tang Jun took out a jade talisman. The Jade talisman glowed, and a map appeared in the air.

At the center of the map was a huge continent.

Lu Ming knew that this should be the main continent of the thousand years battlefield.

There were many small pieces of the continent floating around.

the heaven destroying Army occupies a small part of the southern Territory, while the heavenly Palace occupies the northern half. Do you see those white and red dots? "

Tang Jun said.

Lu Ming nodded.

On the swing battlefield, there were indeed some white and red dots.

The red dots were in the South, and the White dots were in the North.