Fighting ye qiuxian again

The lion transformed into his true form. He held the saber in one claw and slashed it continuously, deflecting several attacks.

The World Turtle elder took the opportunity to throw Lu Ming away and flew into the distance.

"I'm too weak ..."

Lu Ming clenched his fists tightly and his bones cracked.

In his heart, he was filled with anger and extremely aggrieved.

Whether it was the battle with the Golden Condor or the battle with the heavenly Palace's powerhouses, he couldn't interfere.

In short, he was still too weak. If he interfered rashly, he would only be a hindrance. Not only would it be useless, but he would also harm Lion and the others.

After the old man from the divine turtle world threw Lu Ming out, a few heaven monarchs wanted to chase after Lu Ming. However, they were held back by 'Lion', the old man from the divine turtle world, and the others.