Origin Root's level

A crack appeared on Xi tianteng's origin seed, causing many people to lose their calm. At first, many people thought that Xi tianteng was about to fail and couldn't hold on any longer, but they immediately realized that they were wrong. Xi tianteng was about to break through successfully, and the origin seed was about to take root and sprout.

Only by breaking the wall of the original source Seed could it take root, sprout, and grow the original root.

As expected, cracking sounds continued to ring out as more and more cracks appeared on the origin seed. After a while, the cracks were like a spider web that covered the entire seed.

Then, roots extended out of the origin seed.

The roots spread out and extended to all parts of the heavenly Vine's body.

The existence of the origin, the root of the origin, was rooted in every part of the body, like veins, spreading all over the body.