Different people's hearts

cut the crap. Hand Lu Ming over now. Otherwise, the bloodline of the human race in the wilderness will be completely destroyed.

Lu Ming! an origin from the abominable Lord shouted coldly. This person was Mo Sha's senior. After he woke up and learned of Mo Sha's misfortune, he had been furious and wanted to kill Lu Ming.

In fact, at least half of the abominable Lord's origin wanted to kill Lu Ming.

After all, Lu Ming had fought his way to the abominable Lord and defeated the seven invincible divine Lords of the abominable Lord. He had disgraced the abominable Lord.

His meaning was obvious. If the Cang Qing divine realm did not hand over Lu Ming, they would destroy the Cang Qing divine realm.

"I, the Cang Qing divine realm expert, will not be threatened."

Hmph, you want to destroy us? not even the end of the primordial era could do it. Don't even think about it now.

The experts of the cangqing divine realm replied coldly.