Chapter 5200-tragic

The self-destruction of the origin root caused the power that was compressed to the extreme to explode in an instant. Even quasi-Immortals couldn't ignore it.

Furthermore, it was the self-destruction of multiple origins.

The terrifying energy surged and forced the quasi-Immortals from the outer universe to retreat.

Thus, the Cang Qing divine realm and monster race quasi-Immortals seized the opportunity to break out of the encirclement and charged towards the battlefield where Tang Feng was.

"You're looking for death!"

A nine tribulation quasi-immortal shouted coldly, his eyes cold.

The strongest of these quasi-Immortals was only an eight tribulation quasi-immortal, and there were only a few of them. The rest were even weaker and wanted to stop them.

"We'll die together!"

Cang Qing God Realm quasi-immortal and monster race quasi-immortal had a crazed expression as their bodies gave off a blinding light and expanded.