The origin of the blood stain is known

Over the years, Yan Heng had tried countless methods, but he could not get rid of the curse on his body.

But now, he saw hope. He was extremely excited.

"Lu Ming, others may not know, but you definitely have a great connection with the blue sky clan. Your qi and blood are of the same origin as the blue sky clan. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to deal with this curse."

Yan Heng said, slightly agitated.

Lu Ming nodded silently. Of course, he had also noticed this.

Then, was the human tribe of the untainted land a descendant of the Qingtian tribe?

Or was he the only one who was special?

no, I'm not the only special one. The human clan and even the demon clan in the untainted land are special.

Lu Ming pondered.

This was because all the living beings in the primeval universe could clearly sense the source of power in the immortal-level battlefield, and their cultivation speed would be faster.