Super strong lineup

the Nirvana realm, evil, skeleton, void, and underworld River formed the Nirvana realm camp. The chaotic ruins, River of forgetfulness, yagui. and an Xue formed the chaotic ruins camp ...

Lu Ming mumbled in a low voice.

Apart from the yellow sky Race, the other nine great cosmoses of the underworld were divided into two camps.

The other smaller cosmoses were all under the control of the two camps.

The two camps faced each other, forming a huge battle line.

'Let's take. look around the evil Yin great cosmos ...'

Lu Ming decided.

The evil Yin great cosmos had the deepest enmity with the primordial era and had devoured countless humans back then.

Since he wanted to kill people from the underworld, he might as well go to the evil Yin great cosmos.

Lu Ming hid in the chaos and approached the evil great cosmos.

Of course, he didn't dare to get too close.