The Remaining Elf Believers

Eve did not understand why He could connect with the Internet in His former life.

But thinking of the way He died in His former life, He had some guesses.

He remembered He was enjoying a virtual reality game in a game cabin before He died. And the cause of His death seemed to be several days' lack of sleep…

That was right. The last piece of information He received just now seemed to be about Him.

Virtual reality was an up-to-date Internet technology that became increasingly widespread on the blue planet. It was based on the connection between human consciousness and the Internet to create a virtual real world.

Eve suspected that the reason why He could connect with the Internet world was because He died at the very moment when His consciousness was linking to the Internet.

In addition, by comparison, Eve found that the velocity of the flow of time here on the continent of Sagas was four times faster than that of the blue planet.

What does this mean?

Can I still contact my former family after transmigration?

Thinking of this, Eve wanted to cry and smile at the same time.

Originally, He had already decided to lead a new life and forget everything in the past.

Now that He learned this fact, unexpectedly, He became nostalgic…

Nostalgia was strange. Sometimes, people would not feel nostalgia when they completely cut ties. But once they had a connection, they became hopeful.

Eve sighed.

However, He was already the World Tree on the continent of Sagas now, and His former dead body had been burned to ashes. What was the use of His connection with the Internet on the blue planet?

He had already tried and found that His divine force could only influence the Internet world, but could not have an impact on the reality there. That was to say, even if He cast His consciousness into the blue planet, it would be an invisible mass of data at most…

Besides, if He wanted to cast His consciousness into the Internet world there, the consumption would be horrible. The mere thought of it made Eve judge the consumption to be at least tens of thousands of points of divine force!

He was already a true god, and His soul had long become a holy ghost. Without enough divine force to support this activity, the Internet world could not bear His consciousness at all, however weak it might have been.

The fusion with the World Tree gave Eve a new life and incredible power. But it was a jail at the same time…

Maybe… after He became stronger, He would have the chance to return to the blue planet of His former life?

Eve came up with this idea.

But He soon calmed down.

It was too far away.

In order to be able to squander tens of thousands of points of divine force, He had to be beyond mediocre level at least. Now, He was nothing more than a feeble god, let alone He was dying…

Feeble divine force, weak divine force, intermediate-grade divine force, powerful divine force, maximum divine force…

He had a long way to go!

Moreover, that was not the most important thing for Him now…

Glancing at the item of His poor condition, Eve sighed.

"Let me stabilize my condition first! A dying god is nothing more than a walking gold mine. I have to establish my position in the world of Sagas first before considering anything else!"

Now, Eve had a long-term and clear plan for His future.

That was to become stronger and gain true freedom!

Thinking of this, Eve left the blue ball of light resolutely and went to the three balls of green photons again.

Excluding the one representing Berserker, He looked towards the other two balls of green photons.

Suddenly, the disembodied, soft and holy prayers came again…

This time, Eve finally found the source of the voice. It was the brighter one of the two balls of photons!

After hesitating for a moment, He filled His consciousness into it…

In a wonderful weightless condition, Eve felt His view becoming increasingly higher and the space around Him starting to feel unreal.

He withdrew from the space of the godhead soon, while His consciousness was flying toward a certain direction like it was being drawn…

After waking from a daze, Eve found Himself to be in a grand temple.

The temple was made of canes and ancient wood, which were engraved with delicate and complicated lines. The temple looked naturally sacred, but was rather dilapidated. Its ancientness could be seen from a distance.

In the middle of the temple, there was an austere altar. The peculiar magic lines had long been destroyed by many cracks. On the altar, there was a broken statue of an elf god whose head was missing.

Where is it?

Eve froze for a moment.

While He was diffusing His consciousness, He instantly found it odd.

This temple…

Was unexpectedly situated on His body!

Precisely, the temple was on the World Tree's trunk. Since Eve had previously been observing the things around Him, He did not notice it.

Could it count as a dark shadow under a light?

After some banter, Eve focused His attention on what was before the altar.

Before the altar, there were two elves, one male and the other being female.

The male elf was very old. His hair and beard were white and he was on crutches. Wearing a gray garment specialized for sacrificial offering, he looked lethargic and defeated. At the bottom of his eyes, there were endless sorrows and despair.

Eve soon turned His attention from him to the female elf before him.

That was a beautiful elf maiden.

She looked about 16 or 17 years old. She was kneeling on the ground, holding a badge that looked like a leaf blade with her hands. She was bending her head slightly, closing her eyes tightly, and muttering prayers.

She had every beautiful feature of a legendary elf.

Her ears were sharp and her neck was long and thin. Her delicate, perfect features looked extremely divine and pure. Her white, exquisite skin was like newly fallen snow and her golden, silky hair fell straight to the ground like a cascade, giving her a sense of maturity.

She was wearing a green-spotted, gorgeous dress specialized for sacrificial offerings. Its golden lines and patterns of vines made her look sacred and dignified. All of these things, combined with her natural elegance and nobility, made it such that anyone who saw her would have a sense of inferiority.

The prayers Eve heard were from her!

The moment He saw her, from within, Eve instantly realized information about her.

[Name: Alice Gale]

[Race: Elf]

[Profession: Priest of Nature]

[Ranking: 23 (Intermediate Iron)]

[Faith: Eve Euktrahill]

[Religious Value: Devout Believer]

[Title: Saint of Nature]

Everyone liked beauty.

Half of His original sense of disappointment was instantly gone when He unexpectedly saw that His only devout believer was such a pure, beautiful elf maiden.

As for the other elf, he was the only shallow believer.

According to the information, the elderly male elf's name was Samuel Gale. He was a Priest of Nature and Druid whose ranking was 30.

The two were both of Professional Intermediate Iron. The elderly elf was higher in ranking, just one step from High Iron.

If this was the case, these three were all the believers.

Eve nodded.

Next, He would communicate with them and look for a way to convert more creatures to the faith in Him.

Eve thought for a moment and was about to give her a reply with a few points of divine force first. However, the elf maiden stopped praying.

Eve saw her open her emerald eyes, wipe a bright teardrop from her eyes, breathe through her slightly red nose, and then stand up with difficulty, with her hands supported by the ground.

Turning toward her companion, who had been waiting for a long time, Alice managed a smile. Her crisp voice sounded hoarse and depressed, "Grandfather Samuel, the last prayer is… over."

She had already been kneeling here for three days and three nights. All her hope had finally turned into despair.

Looking at the maiden's sad expression, Samuel, the elderly elf, sighed.

Covering the sadness in his eyes, he struggled to take heart and comforted her, "Ah… We can do nothing about it. However, we persist in it or however we expect it, we must accept the fact…"

As he said this, he looked up at the broken statue with unshed tears in his turbid eyes, "The Mother God, Her Majesty… has already fallen really…"

Instantly, intermittent crying came from the temple.

A moment later, the elderly elf sighed deeply, "Let's go…"

"After persisting for 1,000 years, there is no need for us to persist here any longer…"

When he finished speaking, the balls of photons, symbolizing the two believers in the space of the World Tree's godhead, dimmed so much that they almost went out…

Eve was left speechless.

He thought, Hey! Is it really good for you guys to prepare to give up faith before your own true god?!

He was very sad.

Originally, He wanted to perform a miracle to give the elf maiden a favorable impression and make her a fanatic believer. And then He would turn the shallow believer into a devout one. However, He did not expect to be shocked as soon as He came here.

Sure enough, He supposed that only these two native believers who remained would soon say goodbye to Him if He did not act.

Stay calm. You've just inherited the godhead. Everything might be difficult in the beginning. If worse comes to worst, the loyal Berserker will still be there…

After comforting Himself for a while, Eve reluctantly decided to prove His existence at the cost of some divine force. However, He thought of something and shelved His original plan, for the time being.

Glancing at a far corner with His consciousness, Eve gradually calmed down.

The points of divine force were too precious.

As it happened, someone would send a pillow when He was sleepy. Now, He seemed to have a more efficient and more cost-effective way to trick them…