A Bold Idea

Gazing at the ball of light, which symbolized the blue planet before His eyes, Eve was lost in contemplation…

"A lack of souls…"

He felt His godhead throbbing as if it was the heart in His former life.

"Then, can it be… human consciousness?"

At this moment, He suddenly came up with a bold idea.

Virtual reality had already been highly developed on the blue planet. Connecting human consciousness with the Internet had already become the main process of new Internet games…

Since this was the case… Then, could He make use of human consciousness on the blue planet through the Internet passage?

That was right! He absolutely could connect with human consciousness on the blue planet through the Internet passage and then realize another kind of advent of elves by creating bodies for them as the World Tree!

Other true gods might not have been able to do this kind of thing. But He could make it with His unique "life mission" and the access to the Internet of the blue planet!

He absolutely could "develop" a game on the Internet of the blue planet and make human beings come to this world as "players"!

Furthermore, there was no need to worry that the people coming here would die, because human beings would only connect their consciousness with the elves' bodies through the World Tree. Their souls were still on the blue planet. Once their bodies died, their connection with consciousness would be severed. They would come to themselves on the blue planet without any physical danger!

If this was the case, He absolutely could create a legion of players who would not fear death! He could use the legion of players to restore elf civilization!

Meanwhile, players could also help Him assemble elves around the world. They could even help Him spread the faith!

The mere thought of it made Eve become increasingly excited.

And… there would be much more!

He could also modify the rule of creating bodies. He would slightly change the skill "War Sacrifice" and then incorporate it into the bodies as their instinct. In this way, after the advent of the players, they could feed Him in return at every time they upgraded themselves!

They upgraded themselves and also benefited Him. With the accumulation, He would also gain considerable points of divine force!

Thinking of a group of crazy, determined players in His former life, Eve felt that He could make it!

They could do anything as long as they could upgrade themselves to be stronger!

This was a good business!

At that time, He would be responsible for the operation and leave all the other things to players. He could just lie down and receive points of divine force!

"I'm really a genius!"

Thinking of this, Eve almost could not help but act immediately.

But He soon conquered the impulse.

"I will settle the things in this world first."

After He made this decision, Eve withdrew from the space of the godhead.

He paid attention to the hall of the Temple of Nature again. The two elves were still kneeling piously.

Alice the saint bent her head, praying and repenting, "Alice was really silly… indeed…"

"How can the Mother God really desert Alice… Alice was not pious enough…"

"Mother God, Alice is sinful… How could Alice have blasphemous thoughts…"

"Mother God is almighty. If Alice's prayers are not answered, Alice is not pious enough…"

"Although Alice abandoned Mother God, Mother God did not abandon Alice…"

"All of this was the Mother God's test. But Alice did not hold on…"

"Alice really has no right to be a saint…"

"Alice was really silly… indeed…"

On the other side, the elderly priest grovelled on the ground, his devout voice trembling, "Mother God, I am sinful…"

"I am sinful…"

"Mother God… The devils must have tempted me. How could I doubt your return… I am sinful… I am sinful…"

Eve felt ashamed when He heard the two elves' murmurs and perceived the deep remorse and pain in their language.

Nevertheless, He would still trick them, even though He felt a little shameful…

He coughed, slightly rousing His divine force and began posturing--


A soft sigh sounded through the hall.

The sigh was dignified, holy, disembodied, and pleasant at the same time. It seemed age-old, commiserative and sad, making others subconsciously desire to bow to it.

A ray of light green light instantly brightened the hall. The two elves raised their heads in confusion and anticipation. They saw the statue on the altar start shining divinely…

The oak guard stood still like a loyal escort, only the flicker in his big bright eyes showing his excitement…

Under the gaze of the three, the disembodied, holy chant seemed to transmigrate through ancient time and echo faintly through the hall, while the originally broken elf statue was starting to repair itself…

Before long, a holy, beautiful statue of an elf goddess appeared on the altar again.

If those who had once seen the complete elf statue were here, they must have discovered that although this statue was similar to the ancient Mother God, it had its own features.

Her splendid dress had both the elegant, gorgeous style of the traditional elf civilization and an aura of modern art on the blue planet. The face of the statue looked even younger like a teenage girl who was dignified, beautiful, holy, and noble.

Looking at the renewed statue, Eve was slightly surprised, too.

He did not create its features on purpose. The statue formed its own features naturally with His will to repair it.

"Is this my statue? Is this my image incarnate?"

"It is… good-looking."

Eve thought.

At this moment, He felt as if He connected with the statue somehow. Meanwhile, He understood something:

This statue had already become His token and symbol. Any intellectual creature could get His answer by praying to this statue. Meanwhile, the statue could absorb the believers' faith power and pass it to Him incessantly…

Very good!

Eve was very satisfied.

It just cost a lot… Eve thought painfully.

Sure enough, it cost two points of Eve's natural power, and there were only 18 points left.

The three believers looked at the statue that was restored with tears in their eyes long ago…

Nothing could prove the return of the true god more convincingly than the revival of the statue!

This time, even Berserker the oak guard, knelt down on the ground respectfully as well. The three people's excited voices sounded through the hall.

"The main god be praised!"

"The Mother God of Nature be praised!"

"The Great Goddess of Life be praised!"

"Your loyal servant Alice/Berserker/Samuel welcomes the return of Your Majesty!"

Really ashamed…

Eve shuddered from within.

He coughed drily from within and then opened His mouth.


The dignified, holy voice was still disembodied and pleasant.

The three people shuddered, their expressions fanatic and touched. They bowed deeply to the constantly flickering statue and then rose slowly.

After a moment of silence, the grand voice sounded again.

"I have already known the elves' issue. Since I have come back, naturally, I will restore the Silver civilization."

Upon hearing this, Alice and Samuel's bodies slightly shuddered again.

In surprise and with tears in their eyes, they looked up at the brilliant statue.

"The main god of elves be praised!"

They sounded as if they were about to cry.

It had been so many years…

The elf race had been waiting for so many years!

Finally, their mother had come back. Their true god… came back!

"In order to revive civilization and faith, I need your power."

As the magnificent voice sounded again, the three believers' bodies shuddered. They straightened their bodies at the same time, their expressions fanatic.

"Mother God, be praised!"

"For your advancement! Alice/Berserker/Samuel is willing to offer up life and soul!"

In 1066 of the Eternal era, the immortal World Tree, ancient god--Eve Euktrahill, was revived.

It marked a new epoch in the elf history.