Chapter 1: Drama Life

Nihon, Tokyo, Taidong District. 

The orange sunset sprinkled the busy shopping street. Downtown, a teenager in a middle school uniform rode a bicycle deftly and shuttled among the crowd. 

"I'm back!"

In the remote residential alleys, the teenager dropped his bicycle at the door of a half-open and half-closed restaurant. It was not difficult to find that a signboard said 'Chinese Cuisine' in traditional Chinese characters hanging on the door.

The narrow storefront was empty. No one responded to him, but Xia Yu was used to it. 

About two years ago, before bedtime, Xia Yu made a big wish that he could eat until he vomited. When he woke up, he suddenly became a student of the White Gull Junior High School in Nihon, Tokyo.

Xia Yu only spent one semester to adept the situation.

Speaking of experience, rather than sighing, groaning and complaining about life like a sad woman, Xia Yu gave himself two golden words: Be optimistic!

Fortunately, in this life, Xia Yu was still called Xia Yu, and he randomly got a grandfather who made him respectful and feared.

Xia Yu walked through the store to the backyard. Sure enough, there was a white-haired old man sitting on the corridor futon. Hearing the footsteps behind him, the old man opened his eyes unhurriedly and pointed to the short teapot beside him. "Back? Hot water, make tea."

He spoke in Chinese with perfect accent. 


Xia Yu answered and picked up the teapot. Instead of going to the tap to fetch water, he went into the kitchen of the store. He scooped water into the teapot from an old water tank and placed the teapot on the gas stove.

After a short while, the teapot started to steam. Xia Yu looked at the teapot with a confused look for a while. 

Coming to this world for two years, this Tokyo seemed to be the Tokyo that he knew. However, some details that could not be ignored in his life reminded Xia Yu that the world was not as simple as it seemed.


Xia Yu glanced at the old water tank in the kitchen.

The store was not big, and the kitchen was even crowded. An old antique water tank took up too much space. It did not follow common sense!

At this time, the sky gradually darkened. Xia Yu did not rush to turn on the light, but stood quietly for a while, waiting for the sunset in the kitchen to disperse. When the narrow space was completely dark, the old water tank suddenly had a little glittering light, leaving the water surface and drifting in the air. 

Xia Yu knew very clearly that was not the problem of the water. He turned off the gas stove and did not rush to make tea for the old man. Instead, he glanced at the courtyard and reached out his hand in the water tank. In the dark, the jewel-like pearl of the night were shining brightly.

There was a wet, slippery, egg-sized stone in his hand.

With a sigh, Xia Yu touched the stone and threw it back into the water tank. He picked up the teapot on the gas stove and left without looking back.

He asked the old man about the stone more than once. He used all kinds of methods he could think of, but the old man kept his mouth shut all the time, which made him really upset. 

That was not how reborn people are treated. Was there a correct way to open it? 

Xia Yu has suffered a lot in the past two years. Every day, he was called by the old man like a cow and a horse. He was seriously short of sleep all year round. When he went to school in the daytime, he got enough sleep. As a result, the nickname of 'Sleeper' accompanied him in White Gull Junior High School for three years. Today, Xia Yu had just taken the internal entrance examination of White Gull High School. He expected that he could get rid of 'Sleeper' in the new school.

Xia Yu's mind was tangled, but he looked calm as he sat on the short futon, making tea for the old man. 

The tea was bought from the store street. The tea shop owner was also an old man. Every time Xia Yu ran to get it, the owner of the tea shop always smiled and gave him a small bag from the inner room, which was quite mysterious. 

By the way, when it came to the store street, this was Ameyokocho at Ueno Station. There were all kinds of fresh and cheap aquatic products during the day, and at night, it was a mixed night market. Almost everything could be bought here. However, Xia Yu lost interest in the street stores after a few wanders. It was no different from the big night market in China, except for the high cost performance of medicine and cosmetics. Other things, such as clothing, was priced very low. 

The tea smelled fragrant. 

After making tea, Xia Yu poured a cup for the old man and himself. When the tea flowed into his throat, the body that had been squeezed and hollowed out for many years was suddenly filled with mysterious restlessness. At that moment, Xia Yu felt like he could fight to death, and could not help crying.

"Well, go to work." The old man closed his eyes and waved his hand. 


Xia Yu wiped his tears silently. He could only stand up and glance at the ingredients piled outside the kitchen, then got up and walked up the narrow stairs to the room on the second floor, ready to change clothes to work. 

He opened the closet as usual. 

Hiss! Xia Yu withdrew his hand like an electric shock and looked at his right palm that had just grabbed the door. A scratch like a knife cut almost ran through the palm. The wound was quite deep, but strangely, there was no blood flowing out. 

"Did the nail on the door fall off?" Xia Yu held his injured palm and removed the whole wardrobe door with fury. 

However, the door panel lying on the ground was smooth, and there were no sharp nails or other sharp protrusions.

This was not scientific!

Xia Yu was a little confused and thought he had hallucinated. He glanced at his right palm. The conspicuous scar was still there, but no blood flowed out.

"Di, the system is detecting. The binding program has started. Completed."

What the hell?!

Holding his injured palm, Xia Yu, who turned to find the medical box, was stunned, and said, "System?"

"Host, I'm here."

The electronic synthetic sound just appeared again in his head. This time, Xia Yu was focused. He could not be hallucinating. He was stunned for a while, and it took a long time to catch his breath and conquer the horror in his eyes.

'Crossing rebirth has happened to myself. What else is impossible?' Xia Yu thought in his head, and immediately calmed down. The so-called bare feet were not afraid to wear shoes. This was the case. He simply sat on the bed and asked, "Where are you in my body?"

"This system chip has been implanted into your brain."

Xia Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at the injured right palm, and touched the back of his head. "Did this chip drill from the arm to the brain?" Just thinking about it, his body felt a chill. 

"Introduce yourself," Xia Yu said. 

"This system is for the cultivation of Kitchen God..."


With the answer of synthetic electronic sound, a character attribute box popped up in front of Xia Yu's retina: 

Host: Xia Yu

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Fitness Level: LV9 (Strength, Dexterity, Explosion, Nerve Reflex, etc.)

Culinary Level: LV1 [Rookie Start]

Fame: 0 (This item is related to the popularity, exposure and achievements of the host. You can use fame to buy props in the system mall.)

(LV100 is the upper limit. Therefore, you are just a novice in the culinary field. You only know a little about disposal material, but you do not cook any dishes by yourself. At best, you are a kitchen apprentice.) 

"What is this!"

Seeing the evaluation at the bottom of the data, Xia Yu's felt embarrassed.

He was a foodie and loved to eat, so he made a great wish to travel, but who said that the foodie must be a chef?

Above was just Xia Yu's arrogant thoughts. Most foodies certainly wanted to have good cooking skill. The chef system was a bright light in Xia Yu's muddled life. He saw the dawn! 

The turning point of his dramatic life finally came!